• A go-getter aspiring manager who avoids the concepts of cramped office spaces and strives for the outdoors- fuelled with caffeine after late nights of reading and cooking.


  • Mim is a Carlton supporting, iced latte-drinking, procrasti-baking, netball-playing, ocean-loving, day-tripping, water-skiing, advertising student with a tendency toward account management.


  • Emily Heaven is a fun, happy girl who loves reading and watching TV. She is completing a Bachelor's degree in Communications, majoring in PR and minoring in Advertising. She would love to take on an account service role in the industry.


  • Scrapbooks and doodles are Faith's playgrounds for creativity. She blends vibrant ideas with organized strategies, using her imagination to craft unique, client-focused solutions with a personal touch.


  • Faye is a big dreamer with a wild imagination, always eager to learn something new and meet awesome people. She's excited to chat, create, and chase her dreams.


  • Imogen is a future strategic planner with a love for untangling business problems in fun, innovative ways. When she's not creating briefs or decoding ads, she enjoys getting lost in the comforting world of Mad Men, the only show that never loses its binge-worthy charm.


  • Joey is a spark of creative energy, always ready to take the initiative and dive into new ideas with boundless curiosity to learn and grow.


  • Julia is currently a final-year student at Deakin University, studying a Bachelor of Communications with a major in Advertising. She finds the idea of leaving university and starting her professional journey a bit daunting but is excited to embark on this new chapter.


  • Peta holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications (Advertising) and is passionate about marketing and management. Based in Melbourne, Peta completed her degree at Deakin University.


  • Stratos is a 22-year-old finishing a degree in Communications (Advertising) and is actively seeking a role in a media or advertising agency.


  • Vallerie Yaputra

    Vallerie enjoys connecting with people and building relationships. She is organized and collaborative, thriving particularly under pressure, where she does her best work.